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Infant Center and 

Toddler 1 

Infant care begins at 6 weeks old.  Transition to the Toddler 1 room depends age, ability, and availability.  Most children transition from 12-18 months. Children should be at least 12 months to enter Toddler 1.   


$370/week thru  8/29/2025




Toddler 1: $355/week thru 8/29/2025




Toddler 2 and Toddler 2A

Children should be at least 2 years old to enter Toddler 2. Transition from Toddler 1 will depend on age, ability, and availability in the Toddler 2 classroom.  Students will remain in Toddler 2 or 2A until they are eligible for Pre K 3. 

Toddler 2 and 2A:


$335/week thru 8/29/2025





Children entering PreK 3 should be 3 years old by September 1st and fully potty trained.  This program follows the school year, starting in September.  The Extended Care programs utilize the child care portion of Little Saints for consistent Before and After care each day.  The Extended Care program also follows the Little Saints holiday closure schedule, limiting the number of days closed per year.   

Pre K 3 & 4 Extended Care 


$250/week thru 8/29/2025



Tuition Assistance

Little Saints Academy accepts the  Child Care Works Subsidized Child Care program.  To apply, click the link and follow instructions. Please notify Little Saints when you are approved.  

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